

We've had several issues with the website and keeping it updated.  The Board apologizes and we are hoping to do a much better job of keeping everyone informed.  A few things to note:

  • We have had some suspicious activity recently, with people walking thru the development who don't belong here.  Please keep your patio doors locked and be aware of your surroundings.  If you see something out of the ordinary, please call the non-emergency number for the Plantation Police.
  • Please remember that trash, including recycling, goes out on Tuesdays and only trash on Fridays.  Please check the Plantation website for the bulk pickup days and DO NOT put bulk items out more than 1 day ahead.
  • I'm sure many of you have noticed the state of the pool.  We have found several leaks and problems with the pumps.  We have since hired a new vendor for our pool maintenance.  Three leaks have been repaired, the pump is operating but will eventually have to be replaced and some additional plumbing work is needed.  This is going to be fixed soon and the Broward Health Department has given the OK to open the pool.  Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 protocols, we still cannot put out the pool furniture.

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